domingo, 1 de enero de 2012

Hello everyone!!!!

Guessing that I really enjoy trying things is something really easy if you have ever met me. I'm keen on trying or preparing any meal you can imagine. I love tasting new flavours, new food, new textures.... And not only this! I also really love cooking, trying recipies and exploring in the kitchen. This doesn't always mean spending the whole day stiring a sauce, cutting vegetables or waiting in front of an oven... It means enjoying handmade recipies and finding the easiest and fastest way to prepare a delicious munching pleasure.
The key to success in modern life is to adapt yourself to reality and approach healthy and tasty "cuisine" to the mainstream with recipes and menus that could look appealing and easy to make.

What I intend to do in this blog is to share my passion by presenting you:
- own and known recipies
- restaurants and pubs reviews and recommendations
- diets and set menus
- interesting articles related to food, diets, health and nutrition

I just hope you can make profit of my blog daily, by finding here your future most commonly used recipies!

Enjoy healthy munching!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!